financial considerations
What does mediation cost?
the first hour with us is free
Our hourly rate after the first hour is $250. Typically, sessions are two hours. Clients can meet with us as frequently or infrequently as desired. The typical pattern is every two to three weeks. Clients typically share the cost of mediation. See below for case estimates, additional fees, and how attorney fees compare to ours.
case estimates
Simpler cases
Less complex cases or cases with limited issues typically range from $1,800 to $2,500 per family.
Complex cases
More complex cases, high conflict families, or cases with many unresolved issues typically range from $2,500 to $4,500 per family.
additional fees
Legal Papers
After mediation is completed and an agreement is signed, the legal papers need to be filed. Our attorney mediator, Kevin McHargue, offers that service for a flat cost of $550.
Court Filing Fee
Once the legal paperwork is complete the court filing fee is $301.
Parent Class
If you have children, you will need to attend a class that costs between $70 and $280 per parent, depending on the county.
How does this compare to attorney fees?
In mediation, you work as a team and share the cost of the mediator.
In an attorney assisted negotiation or litigation, you each pay a fee for your own attorney, and fees continue until the case is resolved by agreement or court order.